The enrollment process has come to an end and many aspiring Dual Diploma students are ready to take the admission test to our Program.
If you are a new entry in the DD Community this article might be the perfect guide for you! We know you are practicing and working on your English skills, but we don’t want you to get stressed, so let us tell you more about the structure of the admission test.
It’s no Mission Impossible.
The first piece of advice we can give you is: don’t let this test scare you! If you revised all the basics and took the free sample test available on our website, you will already have a good idea of where you stand. Make good use of the corrections that we send you when you complete the sample test, and review the topics where your score is still a bit low. Once you’ve done all this, you should show up confidently on test day, you are ready to become a High School Student! We believe in you and we know you can make it!
When will the Admission Test take place?
Every year there are two available testing sessions to get admitted into the Dual Diploma Program: the main session happens in mid-September and allows you to start the program in October, at the beginning of the academic year. To participate in the September testing session, you must enroll by the June 20th deadline.
For those who missed the main testing session, we still have one option available: enroll by December 20th to be listed to take the exam in the Jumpstart testing session which happens in January, in the middle of the academic year. This session allows you to get started in the program in the second half of that same academic year.
To complete the test, you will only need a computer with a good internet connection. If your school choses to collaborate with us, you will take the exam directly at your school, in the computer room or in another convenient location. Otherwise, we will set up to supervise your test remotely form our headquarters.
About a week before your exam, you will receive an e-mail with the official details of your test including the exact location, the name of your supervisor, the day and time of your exam. On test day, we will require you to show your ID to verify your identity.
What about the Test?
- The exam is composed of 60 grammar questions with multiple-choice answers (there won’t be any speaking or listening parts).
- There will be one small exercise of reading comprehension with multiple choice answers.
- The vocabulary you are required to know will mostly refer to everyday topics, like school or free time activities.
- In order to pass the test, your English level must correspond to at least a basic B1 level
- The exam will last 75 minutes, but don’t worry: the time available is more than enough for you to complete it.
How can I prepare myself for the Test?
We created this short video to answer some of your questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0WHKkcvVCE&t=213s
You can use your school books to review the grammar for the test, but did you know that you can test your English Level on our site as well?
You can find a sample test at this link https://www.materdoppiodiploma.it/programma-doppio-diploma/iscrizioni-doppio-diploma-mater-academy/valuta-il-tuo-inglese/
Before you take the test you need to fill out the form on the screen with your details and in the field “company” enter: DUAL DIPLOMA. In the same form select sending the test result to the Verona Inlingua Center. Then at the question: Do you want the result of your test to be submitted to the Inlingua center of your choice? Answer “Yes” and select: Italy – Verona, in the drop-down menu that will appear immediately afterwards. The test starts off at an intermediate level. Don’t worry if the first questions seem difficult. The test adapts to your answers: the difficulty level either increases or decreases based on whether your previous answers are correct or not. Once you complete and submit the test (at the end of the 22 questions the word “submit”), we will tell you what your level is, what your strong points are and whether you have any weaknesses, and will know whether your level is adequate to take part in the Dual Diploma Program. We do not know when you choose to take the test, so call us or send us an e-mail once you finish taking it, this way we will retrieve your details and your result from our database. You can take our sample test even more than once if you feel it is important for you to understand how to get ready for the actual admission test.
How can I revise the main topics?
At these links you can find some exercises that allow you to revise grammar:
What happens if I don’t pass the Admission Test?
No worries, you will be able to try the test one more time in the next exam session without paying the registration fee again. Our community of Dual diploma Students is waiting for you, now all you have to do is put these suggestions into practice and get ready to become a student of a real American High School!
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