Assess your english level for free
Take the test and find out what your level is!
To enter the Dual Diploma Program you need to sign up for the entry exam and pass it with at least the basic B1 level. If you are not sure what your level of English is, we recommend you take our free and optional online test. When you start the test, fill in the first page with your information and put DUAL DIPLOMA in the “company” field. On the question “Do you want us to send your result to the inlingua center of your choice?” select Yes and choose Italy, Verona. This way we can send it back to you corrected.

How to take the test and receive your corrections
Before you take the test you need to fill out the form on the screen with your details and in the field “company” enter: DUAL DIPLOMA. In the same form select sending the test result to the Verona Inlingua Center.
Then at the question: Do you want the result of your test to be submitted to the Inlingua center of your choice? Answer “Yes” and select: Italy – Verona, in the drop-down menu that will appear immediately afterwards. The test starts off at an intermediate level. Don’t worry if the first questions seem difficult. The test adapts to your answers: the difficulty level either increases or decreases based on whether your previous answers are correct or not.
The time you have to take the test is 30 minutes. Once you complete and submit the test (at the end of the 22 questions the word “submit”), we will tell you what your level is, what your strong points are and whether you have any weaknesses, and will know whether your level is adequate to take part in the Dual Diploma Program.
We do not know when you choose to take the test, so call us or send us an e-mail once you finish taking it, this way we will retrieve your details and your result from our database.

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