Start your Dual Diploma with your level of English
The Dual Diploma Admission Test takes place in the testing session defined by the American school.
If you have enrolled and paid the enrollment fee by the deadline, you will be contacted by the Verona office by email one week before the exam date with all the instructions on the date, time and location of the testing session.
The exam consists of multiple choice questions to assess your English level and will last a maximum of 75 minutes. You will not be able to use dictionaries or props. The test is set at B1 level, with grammar and vocabulary questions related to this level.
In order to pass the test we recommend that you revise the following topics: Adjectives, Adverbs of degree, Polite Expressions, The Body, The Weather, Reflexive Pronouns, Undefined pronouns and Adjectives, Pronouns, Prepositions and Linking words, Countries and Nationalities, Comparatives and Superlatives, Irregular Comparatives, Days of the Week, Present Tense, Past Tenses, Used to vs used to do, Present Perfect / Simple Past, Indirect Questions, Passive, Modals, Simple Past (regular and irregular forms), Future, Question Tags, Conditional 1 and 2, Passive forms, Future, Indirect Questions.

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